Are Golden Retrievers Hypoallergenic?

If you have children with allergies or have allergies yourself, you may be putting off getting the dog of your dreams. If the kids keep begging for a golden retriever, you may want to know if they are hypoallergenic.

Many soon-to-be dog owners ask if golden retrievers are hypoallergenic because they are a perfect family pet. They are docile and friendly with beautiful fur, golden retrievers are the epitome of a family-friendly dog.

The Truth About Hypoallergenic Dogs

While many people think that some dogs are hypoallergenic and some aren’t, the truth is, no dog is hypoallergenic. All dogs produce dander which is the cause of most people’s allergies to them. The dander is caused from the dead skin flakes that fall off the dog, golden retrievers included.

If you have allergies, you don’t have to give up the dream of getting a golden retriever. It is possible to have a dog without the effects of allergies. Preventing excess dander which causes an allergic reaction is the best way to avoid all the sneezing and itchy eyes.

golden retriever puppy runs
2 pupies and 1 mom

Excess Dander Prevention

There are ways to tame your golden retriever dander with grooming and simple instruction. Below we will look at ways to help eliminate allergy triggers.

Flea and Tick Control

If your golden retriever has fleas or ticks it can cause itching and inflammation of their skin. Fleas and ticks love the fur of a golden. Their fur is thick enough for the pests to hide and reproduce. When the pests bite your dog, the dog will scratch at the bite.

Scratching the skin will cause their dander to shed off causing your allergic reaction. If you give your pet a pest control regimen it will help eliminate the fleas and ticks. Reducing the amount of dander that the dog sheds.

messy retriever
Woman getting Golden Retriever fur care

Regular Grooming

Grooming your golden retriever on a regular basis is the key to keeping dander at bay. Dander loves to lay dormant until your dog does a giant shake, then it all goes flying into the air, flaring your allergies almost immediately.

You have 2 options for grooming, take the dog to a quality groomer, or do it yourself. If you choose to do it yourself, be sure to buy mild dog shampoo and a fur-reducing brush. Apply the shampoo and give your pup a good scrub. Do this every other week to keep dander to a minimum.

Personal Hygiene

After you play with your golden retriever, the best way to be sure that you don’t suffer from allergies is to immediately wash your hands. Most people use their hands to touch everything. We touch our eyes, nose, and mouth even though we shouldn’t. But the reality is, we do. By immediately washing your hands, you wash away the dander that could be on them.

2 pupies and 1 mom


Although golden retrievers are not hypoallergenic, they don’t need to be avoided if you have allergies. If you follow the steps above, you can help reduce the amount of dander and get a golden retriever.