Are Golden Retrievers Suited for Hot Weather?

Golden Retrievers are typically known to be energetic, loyal and friendly dogs. However, there is one thing that most people don’t know about them- they can live in hot weather! If you are looking into adopting a Golden Retriever or already own one, read this blog post for more information on if Golden Retrievers can live in hot weather? What types of precautions need to be taken for their safety during the summer months? Tips for keeping your Golden Retriever well hydrated during hot summer months.
A Golden Retriever can live in hot weather, but there are some precautions that need to be taken. First of all they will be more comfortable if the temperature is kept below 80 degrees Fahrenheit (26.67° Celsius). If you have air conditioning this isn’t a problem! But for those without air conditioning, it’s best not to leave a Golden Retriever in an enclosed vehicle during the summer months.

Golden Retrievers need to be kept hydrated if they are living in hot weather, so it’s best for them not to walk long distances or play outside too much. These dogs love water and will drink plenty of it on their own, but more should be given to them especially when they are outside. It’s also a good idea to wet their paws before going on long walks or playing outside, because the hot pavement can be hard and even burn the pads of Golden Retrievers.

It’s best for these dogs not to live in an enclosed yard with no shade during summer months either. They are prone to sunburn, which can result in significant skin damage. Provide your Golden Retriever with plenty of cool water and shade if you’re going to have them outside during the summer months!

golden retriever puppy runs
Red Golden Retriever in the Sunset

Should you cut a Golden Retriever’s fur in Summer?

No, cutting the fur in summer can make the dog overheat. Golden Retrievers have an undercoat and top coat to protect them from cold weather, so clipping it off during hot months isn’t recommended. These long coats actually help keep the dog safe from the sun. If you cut their coat in the summertime they run the risk of getting sunburned.

If you’re going on a long car ride with your Golden Retriever, make sure to avoid the heat of the day when possible. You can also use a sunshade for windows in your car or truck that will reduce the amount of sunlight and heat coming into the vehicle.

Laying out on cool tiles is an excellent way to keep them cool during hot months! Just be mindful that since their fur is so thick, they can’t cool themselves down as quickly.

If you’re going on a walk in the hot afternoon sun and your Golden Retriever starts panting heavily or wagging their tail lazily it could be a sign of heat exhaustion! Take them to water immediately and give them some shade.

Another option to keep your Golden Retriever cool during the summer months is to take them swimming frequently. Golden Retrievers are known to love the water so taking them in the pool or lake is a great way to cool down their overall body temperature when the outside sun is so prominent.

Lastly, just remember to keep your Golden retriever hydrated and keep them out of the direct sunlight as much as possible during the summer months. All in all Golden Retrievers can handle hotter weather without a sweat!