Can Golden Retrievers Be Trained?

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Napping Golden Retriever

You might think that Golden Retrievers are just big, cuddly dogs – but they’re actually a lot smarter than you might realize. They can be trained to do tricks and play fetch or walk on a leash without much difficulty. If you have any interest in training your Golden Retriever, this blog post is the perfect place to start!

Are Golden Retrievers Easy To Train?

Golden Retrievers are actually very easy to train. They’re intelligent and have a natural inclination for learning new things, so they can be taught tricks or trained on how to behave with children in just a few short sessions – sometimes as little as one session!

Can Golden Retrievers Be Housebroken Easily As Puppies?

Puppy training is always an important part of being the owner of any dog. Early housebreaking is especially crucial when it comes to golden retrievers since their long hair matts easily and requires frequent grooming upkeep at home. The good news is that you’ll probably find goldens easier than most breeds (including other retriever breeds like Labradors) because they don’t ‘hold’ onto smells which can cause some breeds to have accidents in the same spots repeatedly.

Lonely golden retriever lying in nature.

Can Golden Retrievers Be Taught How To Do Tricks?

Always an interesting question! The answer, as is always the case with most dogs is “it depends”. Goldens are very intelligent and have a lot of energy. As long as you’re willing to put in the time training them – they can learn many different tricks from “sit” or “shake hands” all the way up to skateboarding.


How Long Does It Take To Train A Golden Retriever?

It really just depends on how motivated your dog is and how much effort you want to put into their training. Typically goldens catch things quickly so it’s often difficult for them (and owners) not to be highly motivated when starting out new tasks. That said, I’ve seen some pretty lazy golden retrievers. Every dog is unique when it comes to how long it will take to train them to your commands. The key here is to be patient and consistent with your golden.

Can Golden Retrievers Be Taught To Walk Well On A Leash?

This is a question that often comes up and I’m sorry to say it’s not always possible or advisable. Golden retrievers are very strong, independent creatures with an abundance of energy so they’re constantly pulling on the leash even if you’ve got them well-trained. It can be really frustrating for new dog owners who feel like their golden retriever doesn’t listen when they tell him to stop pulling during walks. The good news here is there are plenty of other things you can teach your pet – just as many tricks! Teaching these commands will also work towards teaching them how to walk well on a leash in the future too.

Can You Train A Golden Retriever To Play Fetch?

Yes absolutely, but keep in mind this can take some time and discipline to teach. They often require a lot of patience and reward-based training to help them understand what you want them to do.

Golden Retrievers are smart animals. It is possible to teach them just about anything from simple commands like, sit, stay, and lie down all the way up to watching them play dead and hold treats on their noses. It really is going to be determined by how much time you want to dedicate to training your dog.

young golden retriever dog