How Many Litters Can A Golden Retriever Have?

When it comes to getting a new pet, most people who are interested may not look too far past the idea that they will soon have a new companion in their family.

However, for those who wish to dig a little deeper, the science behind golden retriever breeding and how the golden retrievers have their litters is good information to have, whether you’re a breeder or if you’re looking into bringing a puppy home.

Golden Retriever Litters

When it comes to golden retriever litters, as with all dogs, the litter size will differ for every birthing mother. Unlike humans, who will – typically – only have one child at a time, golden retrievers have been known to birth litters with anywhere from four to 12 puppies.

If you’re planning to breed a golden retriever more than once, it’s also good to keep in mind that their later litters will likely birth more puppies than their first litter.

Keep in mind that if you’re a breeder, it’s unlikely that you’ll be required to help the mother golden retriever give birth to the babies. It’s still good to be nearby in case there are any complications, however.

mother and baby retriever
View of two dogs lying

How Often Can A Golden Retriever Have Puppies?

There’s a lot of conflicting research when it comes to how often a golden retriever can have puppies. Some breeders swear by keeping their golden retrievers constantly pregnant, whereas others believe that giving the birthing mother a break in between puppies is the best possible option.

Veterinary science hasn’t figured out an exact answer, unfortunately, which means there isn’t a hard and fast rule when it comes to breeding your golden retriever. However, if you’re planning to breed your dog, it’s in your best interest to be in tune with their wants and needs.

If your dog seems to enjoy giving birth to litters, then maybe you have an argument for keeping her pregnant. However, if the mother refuses to spend time with the puppies and seems to generally be anxious around them, then it might be better to not keep your dog pregnant.

How Many Puppies Does A Golden Retriever Usually Have?

Again, it’s not an exact scient when it comes to the number of puppies a golden retriever will have in a single litter. However, if a golden retriever is being bred specifically for the puppies, then it’s best to prioritize the health of the mother.

If you have a sick or overworked golden retriever trying to give birth, that’s a recipe for disaster.

When it comes to birthing golden retriever mothers, most breeders (if they’re reputable and if they actually care about their dogs) will stop breeding a singular golden retriever mother after their third litter.

Having puppies – especially when the mother can maybe even have twelve puppies at a time – is an extremely taxing process for the golden retriever mom, so it’s best practice to not keep her as a birthing machine for her health.

cutiest puppy


Whether you are a breeder or just an interested party, keep in mind that your golden retriever is a living creature and that giving birth to puppies is stressful for the mom!

Do your best to ensure that your golden retrievers (parents or puppies) are being taken care of at all times and that you’re prioritizing their health.