How to Train Your Golden Retriever How To Hunt: Tips For Training Dogs

Dogs are natural hunters, so it is no surprise that some breeds of dog excel at hunting. One such breed is the Golden retriever. Outdoor enthusiasts love to take their dogs hiking and camping with them, as well as hunting for game when they have a license to do so. If you want your Golden retriever to become an obedient hunter, then make sure you follow these tips for training!
Teach them to Fetch:

A great way to get your Golden Retriever to learn the basics of hunting is simply teaching them to play fetch. Dogs that are trained to fetch will always bring back their toy, which is one of the first steps in hunting. They also enjoy retrieving objects and it’s a great way to bond with your dog!

Hunt Small Game:

Dogs like Golden retrievers can learn how to hunt by chasing smaller game such as rabbits or squirrels. This can be a great way to get them used to the idea of hunting while still being able to enjoy themselves.

golden retriever puppy runs
messy retriever
Hunt Larger Game:

A Golden Retriever can also learn how to hunt larger game with a bit of training. They will need some practice before they’re ready for it, but if you take the time to train them then your dog will be able to bring home meat when hunting season begins!

Practice Firing the Gun:

The most important part of hunting is being able to shoot the target. Make sure you practice shooting with your dog so that they can get used to it and aren’t afraid when they’re out in the field!

Follow Instructions:

Once your Golden Retriever has learned how to hunt, teach them some basic commands such as ‘sit’ and ‘stay’. This way they will be able to listen while you’re out hunting so that you can focus on the task at hand!

Hunt While Pulling a Rope:

If you want to practice your dog’s hunting skills while on a hunt, then have them follow you with the rope in their mouth. This way they can focus on following commands and not chasing after the game!

Practice by Chasing Them Around:

One of the best ways to train your Golden Retriever how to catch is just by playing around in your backyard with them. Have the rope trailing behind and watch as they catch onto what you’re doing!

Start With Small Things:

It takes time to train a dog to hunt, so don’t expect them to be catching ducks right off the bat. Start by teaching them how to go after small game such as rabbits or squirrels.

2 pupies and 1 mom
Golden retriever sitting on grass under tree
Use a Training Vest:

A great way to train your Golden Retriever how to hunt is by putting them in one of those training vests that has pockets for the game. They will be more inclined to go after it and you can use this as a reward system!

Practice Different Hunting Styles:

There are many different styles of hunting and it’s important to practice with your dog so they can get the hang of what you want them to do.

One-on-one time:

You may not have a lot of free time, but taking some one on one time is essential for training. If you take just 15 minutes a day to work with your dog, you will see tremendous progress.

Here are some training tips for how to train a golden retriever or any other type of hunting dog:

  • Start by teaching them small game like rabbits and squirrels. You can also use this as a reward system!
  • Practice different styles of hunting with your dog.
  • Take some one on one time to work with your dog – even if it’s just 15 minutes a day!

In Conclusion:

When teaching your golden retriever to hunt, remember to be patient. It will take time for them to learn, start slow and start with small game. You can slowly increase their skill levels by staying consistent and heading into the field often! Happy hunting!