Golden Retrievers: What You Need to Know

cute retriever

What Are Some Common Problems With Golden Retrievers

Golden retrievers are one of the most popular dog breeds in America. They are known for their happy personalities, loyalty, and intelligence. However, they are not perfect dogs! Golden retriever owners understand that these dogs can be a handful at times and require some extra attention or training to keep them from getting into trouble. That is why we have put together this blog post on what you need to know about golden retrievers before deciding if they’re suitable for your family!

Escape Artists

Golden retrievers are known for being escape artists. They have an instinct to roam and explore, leading them to get lost if they get out of the yard or off their leash too far away from home. This is why golden retriever owners recommend investing in extra high fences that go above their head so they cannot over-jump it!


One common problem with these dogs is barking excessively when left alone at home. If you don’t give your Golden Retriever enough attention throughout the day (or teach him how to be quiet), he will become bored and lonely due to loneliness, which causes excessive whining and crying while he’s on his own all day; long!


Golden Retrievers have also been known to be a breed that can bite at times. They are very friendly with people and other dogs, but their instinct might take over if they feel threatened or scared.

Are Golden Retrievers Good Dogs

Tail Whipping

Another common problem is that golden retrievers chew a lot! These dogs need to be fed rawhide bones throughout the day to keep them from chewing on furniture. They also like to dig holes in your yard- not only for exercise purposes (to get rid of energy) but because it’s their instincts as well.

A Golden Retriever’s tail can hit you by accident sometimes when he jumps up at you or wags his tail too hard while playing around. This doesn’t mean he wants to hurt you, though- unless he does this repeatedly without any indication that he means no harm!

Dog licking up nose

Health Problems

Golden Retrievers also tend to end up with health problems at a relatively young age. Some of these health issues include but are not limited to hip dysplasia, heart disease, and thyroid problems. Golden Retrievers are also some of the most common breeds to get cancer. 

The Golden Retriever’s coat sheds a lot, and you will have to groom your dog often- sometimes almost daily! But as long as they’re getting enough exercise outside (which this breed needs), it shouldn’t be too hard on them.

Golden retrievers can overheat quickly due to their thick coats, so make sure you provide plenty of cool water for them throughout the day if it gets too hot out there or if they’re playing in any heat for too long.

What You Need To Know

As wonderful as these dogs are. They are not perfect and do have some of their issues and traits that seem to be expected. These dogs love to bark, which can cause chaos in the neighborhood, and they will bite if they feel threatened most slightly. We still love Goldens. We ask people to proceed with caution in bringing one into the home unless you have enough time to devote to him/her and work on obedience. If this still sounds like the right dog for you, congratulations! Get your new family member and let the fun begin!
Types of Golden Retrievers