What Are Golden Retrievers Known For?

Whether you’re looking into getting a golden retriever or you’ve had one as a loyal companion for many years, there is always more to learn about your beautiful, furry friend.

For this article, we’ll guess that you’re looking into getting a new dog and that you’re thinking of the best sort of dog for your family. Indeed, you’re looking in the right place – when it comes to dogs that are good family animals, you can’t get anything better than a golden retriever.

Golden Retrievers

When it comes to golden retrievers, they are some of the best dogs out there. They’re loyal, friendly, protective, and long-living. They’re bred from Scottish gundogs, and they continue to be a very popular breed in America.

They’re hard-workers when it comes to hunting and fieldwork, as well. Additionally, they’re extremely intelligent. They’re so intelligent that they’re commonly used as service dogs for people who struggle with their sight and in search-and-rescue situations.

You can’t go wrong with a golden retriever, because they are stunningly loyal and beautiful dogs that are extremely family-oriented. Because of their breed and nature, they prefer – and even enjoy – obedience and events that lead to competitions.

As you may have gathered from all of this, golden retrievers are extremely high-energy and high-maintenance dogs. If you live in a small apartment or in an area that won’t allow a golden retriever to stretch their legs, you should consider getting another dog.

But if you have the space and the means to care for them, you won’t regret getting a golden retriever. They are a breed of dog that approach life and all of their situations with joy and playfulness, and many owners report that their golden retrievers acted the same way from when they were puppies to when they were adults.

golden retriever with cat
Golden retriever with baby

Are Golden Retrievers Good Family Dogs?

If you’re still wondering about this, the short answer is . . . yes!

Golden retrievers are some of the best family dogs! They are extremely loyal to their family, and they’re also extremely protective. Whether or not you have children, it won’t matter to the golden retriever.

Whichever people they consider their family, they will be loyal to until their dying day. And if you have young children, the golden retriever will be nice and helpful to those they consider “theirs.”

When Are Golden Retrievers Fully Grown?

Golden retrievers can get quite large as they grow, but because they grow so fast and over such a short period, it can be hard to know when they’re fully grown and when they’re just between two stages of growth.

That’s why it’s good to have an idea of specific stages to keep an eye out for and to have a few considerations in mind when it comes to knowing whether or not your dog is fully grown.

When it comes to golden retrievers, they don’t tend to grow entirely to scale. If you’re confused by what this means, it means that they will typically reach their maximum height by their first year of age, but they will continue to grow. All this means is that they won’t reach their full weight until they are closer to two years of age.

Make sure you’re keeping track of which growth spurts your dog is going through so that you can make sure you’re keeping track of their health in the best and most healthy way possible.

Retriever playing in the snow
Golden Retriever and a Labrador puppy sitting in front of white

Are Golden Retrievers Good with Other Dogs?

Considering that golden retrievers are some of the best dogs, you can bet your bottom dollar that they’re also phenomenal with other dogs, too!

As part of their playful, friendly, and protective nature, golden retrievers will view other dogs in much the same light as they view children under their care. They will treat them very well and be constantly keeping an eye out to make sure that whatever dog they’re playing with is not in pain and that they’re also having fun.

This plays in – again – somewhat with their intelligence. Golden retrievers are extremely smart, and because of this, they are very good at listening to commands and being taught obedience. As such, they work well with children and other dogs, and if anything goes awry, they’re quick to listen to orders!

Are Golden Retrievers Considered Purebred Dogs?

This, unfortunately, isn’t an easy to answer question. You’ll have to check with the breeder – or whoever else you’re getting your golden retriever from – and make sure they have records of the pedigree and other paperwork.

If you get a pureblood golden retriever, you’ll need to make sure that you have the proper ability to prove that it’s pureblood and that its lineage hasn’t been interrupted by other breeds.

That is the only way to prove that you have a purebred dog. Although your dog may look like a golden retriever, unless you discuss the dog’s lineage with whoever you bought it from, you won’t ever be able to know for certain.

two goldens
Golden Retriever dog running outdoors in nature

What’s Golden Retriever Energy?

Golden retrievers are some of the most energetic dogs that exist in this day and age. You can run them around and play with them for endless hours, and you’ll still find that they’ll want to keep playing long after you’ve tired yourself out.

As such, it’s very important that you strongly consider whether or not you have the time and energy to dedicate to your dog if you get a golden retriever. It’s not just daily walks and the occasional foray to the dog park – as part of their hunting roots, they’re very big on having a lot of energy.

Unless you want to deal with an animal that is acting out in your house – tearing things up, getting in the way, not listening to commands, etc. – you should make sure that you have enough elements in your house and surrounding environment to keep your golden retriever as exercised as possible.


Golden retrievers are, ultimately, great dogs. They’re loyal, kind, and gorgeous, and they will provide you with lots of love, no matter your family makeup. So long as you have the means and energy to keep up with a golden retriever and raise them as they deserve to be raised, you can’t go wrong with a golden retriever as a pet.