What are some tricks you can teach your Golden Retriever?

A Golden Retriever is a very intelligent dog breed that enjoys tricks. There are many tricks you can teach them, and some are easier than others to train them with. In this blog post, we will go over some tricks you can teach your Golden Retriever, as well as rate how difficult they would be to train.


This is a very easy trick to train your Golden Retriever. All you have to do is teach them the command for sitting, and then reward them with treats or petting when they perform it correctly. Training should take anywhere from one day up to two weeks depending on how much time you give each training session.

High Five

This is also a very easy trick to train your Golden Retriever. All you have to do is show them how it’s done, then reward them with treats when they perform the correct movement that you showed them. Training should take anywhere from one day up to two weeks depending on how much time you give each training session.


This is a trick that can be taught to your Golden Retriever but it will take longer than the tricks mentioned above. You have to teach them how to bark and then reward them with treats when they perform this correctly. Training should take anywhere from one day up to two weeks depending on how much time you give each training session.

Shake hand

Teaching your Golden Retriever how to shake hands is a little more complicated than the tricks mentioned above but not impossible. You need to teach them that you want their paw in your outstretched arm, and then reward them with treats when they perform this correctly. Training should take anywhere from one day up to two weeks depending on how much time you give each training session.

Paddle Trick

The paddle trick has two parts. First, you need to teach your Golden Retriever how to jump up by holding a treat above their head and praising them when they do it correctly. Then you need to have them lay down on the ground with their legs stretched out in front of him or her before calling his name. The Golden Retriever will then push up with his front legs and lunge forward, stretching out their back paws to jump in the air.

Play Dead

This is a trick that only works on Golden Retrievers. You can teach your dog to play dead by first having them lie down and then asking the dog to sit, which will make him or her flip onto their side with their legs stretched out in front of them. Then you need to have somebody hold the back paws, while another person holds the front, and gently push down on the dog’s back to make him or her lay all the way out.

The Retrieve

This is a trick that can only be taught by using toys as part of the training process. First you need to teach your Golden Retriever how to pick up objects in his mouth without dropping them before you teach him how to learn tricks.

Sit Up

You can train your Golden Retriever to sit up by first teaching them in a sitting position and then encouraging them to lean back into an upright position with their front paws on the ground, looking like they’re going to roll over onto their backs. This is one of the easiest tricks to teach and will be a great party trick for your dog.

Final Thoughts:

Golden Retrievers are extremely intelligent and will pick up on tricks quickly if the training sessions are consistent. If you go days or weeks in between sessions it will take longer to accomplish and your success rate will decrease. Remember that teaching your Golden tricks should be a fun and rewarding experience for both the owner and the dog!