Golden Retrievers Life Span

What Is A Golden Retriever’s Lifespan? Is There Any Way To Extend It?

Saying goodbye to your dog at the end of their life is one of the worst parts of owning a pet. It’s truly a tragedy that dogs do not live as long as humans. One of the most popular breeds of dog, the golden retriever, is no exception to this dismal truth.

Though you shouldn’t spend too much time dwelling over the fact that your pet will pass before you do, it can be beneficial to learn about dogs’ life spans and what you can do to help your pet live as long as possible.

The Life Spans Of Bigger Dogs Versus Smaller Dogs

There is little definitive proof as to why big dogs lead shorter lives than small dogs. However, there is some research that shows dogs like goldens simply age faster than smaller breeds.

It’s interesting to think about why this occurs, since bigger animals living longer does not apply to the entire universe of fauna. Think about an elephant versus a house fly. One is gigantic and lives up to 70 years, while the other is miniscule and only lives for 28 days.

However, there are still exceptions to this concept, like how border collies, a breed about half the size of goldens, live for about the same amount of time. Thus, it can be difficult to understand and accept that golden retrievers simply won’t live as long as other dogs.

A common misconception among dog owners is that each year a dog lives is equivalent to about seven human years. It actually depends on the size of the dog, with every 4.4 pounds a dog weighs reducing their life expectancy by approximately one month.

Golden Retriever’s Life Spans

Since golden retrievers fall into the category of larger dogs, their time with their humans is shorter than other dogs. On average, goldens live for around 10 to 12 years.

There have been some cases where goldens have lived for up to 19 years, but it’s very rare. In general, for every human year, a golden has accounted for about 8 “dog years.”

Golden retriever dog

Of course, we all want to know how to extend our dogs’ time with us. Genetics play a large factor in golden retrievers’ life spans, and genetic diseases are also important. It can be difficult to fight against nature to keep our dogs with us for a longer time.

However, what you can do is help your dog live a healthy and active life to keep them in the best physical condition possible for the longest amount of time.

There are many actions you can take to ensure your dog’s physical well-being and hopefully extend their life.

Quality Nutrition

Just like a person living off fast food is likely to meet an early end, a dog’s nutrition needs are no different. Look into different types of dog food and research what is best for your pup to ensure that their diet is clean and healthy.

This can ultimately help your golden retriever lead a healthier lifestyle and possibly extend their time with you.

Spray and Neuter your dog

Spaying and neutering your dog gives it an average of 1 to 3 more years of life. Doing so prevents certain cancers and protects your dog from themselves: i.e. not getting into trouble trying to find a mate.

Without the hormones that drive your golden retriever to reproduce, it is less likely for your dog to try to escape from you or your home for the purpose of mating, and keeps them safer overall.

Limit Stress

Just like people, a dog under significant stress is subject to various health problems that can develop with increased amounts of strain. This can make them subject to many diseases and even cancers. If you notice something or someone (for example, another pet or small child) stressing out or bullying your golden, try to find a quick solution to the problem. It will benefit everyone in the long run.

Keep your dog content with lots of stimulation and quality time with the family. Goldens love attention and are not fond of being left alone. Make sure you find the time to spend with your dog while they’re still with you.


Exercising your dog is not only a great way to spend time together, but also a way to keep your golden healthy and happy. Play fetch, go for walks, or simply have a game of tug with your dog. This will keep your golden at a healthy weight, support their joint wellness, and reduce stress in their lives.

Vet Check-Ups

Seeing a veterinarian regularly for check-ups is a great way to ensure that your dog is healthy throughout its life. A vet can catch diseases early in your golden retriever and address them before they get worse. Vets also keep your pet up to date on their vaccinations, which is essential to lead a healthy life.


Just as humans supplement their diets to ensure a balanced level of nutrition, dogs can benefit from doing so as well. Many dogs benefit from joint supplements to reduce inflammation, but every dog is different. Talk to your vet about what supplements would be best for your golden.

Brush Your Golden’s Teeth

It seems simple, but can be easily neglected if you’re not thinking about your golden’s dental health. A great way to keep their mouths clean and healthy and prevent certain diseases is to brush your dog’s teeth regularly. It is also beneficial to get your golden’s mouth cleaned every once in a while.

It’s easy to want to love on your dog by giving them an array of treats and table scraps every day. However, this can often do more harm than good in terms of your golden’s life span. A study showed that dogs fed 25% less than the control group lived for almost 2 years longer. This can make a huge difference when goldens only live for 10 to 12 years.

So next time you’re thinking of throwing Fido some french fries, consider how it may affect their health and length of life.

Avoid Exposure to Toxins

Though it sounds obvious, it’s highly important to keep your dog away from things that could harm its health. Many things that your dog might interact with on a daily basis may not be pet safe.

Monitor what your dog chews on: if it has been chemically treated, keep them away from it. If you’ve recently cleaned a surface with chemicals, keep your golden from licking it. Be careful with what goes on their skin and what you allow them to eat.

Quality Time

An easy way to add to your golden’s well-being is to simply spend time with them. Dogs know when you love and care about them. You can show them just how much you love them by taking some time every day to play with your golden or take them to the dog park.

Whatever you like to do with your dog, make sure the time counts and that your golden knows how much you care.


Everyone wants their precious pet to live as long as possible. Luckily, there are ways to help your dog live a happier, healthier life.

Taking the time to implement these actions in your dog’s life can result in a great payoff. Avoid painful early goodbyes and enjoy your golden retriever for as long as possible.

Every minute with your dog is truly special, and we want as many minutes as possible with our furry friends.

Cutie Golden Retriever